England. Stuart, Charles I AR Aberystwyth Halfcrown

Greek Attic Black-Figure Lekythos with Combat Scene

Doors with Annunciation of the Virgin Scene
Massive Stone Age Thin-Butted Knapped Axehead

Gold Ring with Burmese Ruby
The 'Moussaieff' South Arabian Bronze Incense Burner
Massive Archaic Greek Terracotta Statuette of a Seated Goddess Demeter

Archaic Greek Bronze Patera with Kouros Handle
Scythian Chalcidian Helmet with Embossed Stags

Bronze Statue of Zeus with Eagle

Large Egyptian Bronze Statue of Khonsu
Renaissance Stained Glass Window Pair

'The Eastchurch' Medieval Gold Gem-Set Annular Brooch

Rare Carus Aureus of Antioch

Viking Battle Axe Head with Silver Inlays

Kingdom of Macedon, Phillip II AR Tetradrachm

Large South Arabian Alabaster Standing Figure of a Goddess

Etrusco-Italic Bronze Figure of Young Hercules

Romanian Orthodox Royal Wooden Doors with Annunciation Scene

Post Sasanian Silver-Gilt Jar with Dancing Girls

Very Large Egyptian Wooden Head of Osiris

England. Plantagenet, Edward III AV Noble

Lucanian Red-Figure Skyphos with Naked Warrior Rider

Indo-Gangetic Copper Anthropomorphic Idol
Egyptian Limestone Relief Fishing Scene

Mosasaur 'Marine Dinosaur' Skull

Large Greek Geometric Terracotta Oinochoe

Anglo-Saxon. Mercia, Cynethryth (Wife of Offa) AR Penny

Silver Gilt Bowl with Diana in Roundel

Life-Size Roman Portrait Head of a Roman Lady, Possibly The Empress Salonina
Renaissance Illuminated Souflet Panel with Saint Nicholas

Inked Reused Wooden Wax Tablet For a Contract Negotiated and Agreed at Titiiuni between Maianus and Silvanus

Bactrian Black Basalt 'Hand Bag' Ceremonial Weight